Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wesleys First Bath

Wesley's first bath was a sponge bath since his cord piece was not all the way out. Let's just say he did not enjoy it at all and I hope he does better in the tub. Enjoy the photos!

Wesleys Birth Story

My early labor began about 4:30 in the morning with my contractions about 8 minutes apart. I only had 3 contractions before they were more like 5 minutes apart. This continued as my water began to leak. I decided this was finally the real show(for those of you who did not follow my facebook I had several false alarms). I told Jeff he needed to call work and let them know I was in labor. I also had him call his mom since my mom was gone to cancoon on a vacation. We decided my contractions were not intense enough to rush. First, we  took Quintin to school and then we delivered cookies to my mops group that I had made the night before for a cookie exchange.
We arrived to Langley Hospital and got checked in about 9am. They asked me if my water had broken and my answer was it was leaking. First they checked me and I was about 4 cm and about 100% effaced. Then the nurse ran a water break test and the test came back positive that my water was broken. I had told my nurse I was going to try a natural birth with no meds. At that point they got me into a room and started my IV for fluids. This is always one of the worst parts of labor for me. The nurses always insist that they can find a good vein even when I tell them just to put the IV near the elbow. The pain of them sticking me with the IV needle was worse than labor and brought me to tears. After two tries they put the IV near the elbow. Once we did all the paper work and got all the questions from the doctor answered they let me labor on my own.
Since I was going for a natural birth they were not for checking me. My doctor felt it was a cause for infection.Like any other woman I was expecting my labor to go fast especially since it was baby number 3 and number 2 was five hours or less. That should have been the case but was not. Laboring there was neat because they had wireless water proof monitors. I could walk around or even shower if I wanted to.
My contractions were still not very intense even though they were close together after hours of laboring. At 4:30 the doctor decided to check me just to make sure I was still progressing and sure enough she discovered I still had a bag of water. I was dilated to only a five after all that time. I knew if she broke my water things would progress a little faster, but I had no idea how fast. After the doctor broke the rest of my water things moved quite fast. I immediately jumped into  my active labor and was feeling the pain. I had one little scare when my blood pressure dropped causing they babies vitals to drop. The nurse put me on oxygen for a few minutes and I was good to go. For about an hour and fifteen minutes which seem like longer I was blowing out birthday candles on the birthing ball. Wesley was extremely low even though I was still only about 7 cm which was causing me to  want to push. Was not long after that I was back in the bed fully complete and ready to deliver.
It took Wesley about 12 minutes to be delivered once I was complete and somehow I did not have any rips or tears. At 6:02 pm on December 10, 2013 Wesley Mark was born weighing 9 lbs 3oz and was 22in long.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wesley's Nursery

We have always used the same animal soup nursery theme for our boys. Wesley's will be no different. We have however always picked a different color scheme and tried to change things up just a bit. Wesley's room will not be painted since we are renting so we decided to pick a bright green for his curtains. He is also the first child that will have his name spelled in wooden letters on the wall. It was also time for a new rocker so we were able to find one that matched the furniture nicely.

Wesleys Baby Shower

stMy wonderful sister plus the other family members gave me a shower for Wesley. It was animal themed.  I was so greatful for everyone that came and blessed me and baby Wesley! He is going to be one loved little guy.
My wonderful sister and I

cute animal cake made by cousin are amazing girl

The food was yummy and consisted of taco dip, veggies, apples, animal cookies, and nuts

Good friends

Aunt Jeanie and cousin Amy

Grandma and Great Grandma(GG)

cousin Erika and cousin Sarah

they love having their picture taken!!

cute super hero bibs

a little caught off guard

colorful stuffed giraffe

Henry liked the Wesleys travel system

everyone wrote something to Wesley including their guess on his arrival

mom and sis

my neighbor and I both expecting our third boy....she is due Valentines day:)