Monday, January 13, 2014

Wesley is 1 month old

Wesley has been our biggest challenge out of all three babies and it started while we were in the hospital. When he was born he swallowed a lot of fluid, so for the first 36 hours he would gag every time he was laid down. Other than that he was a pretty happy baby at that point. He was also the only child that passed his jaundice test and I never had to supplement.
Nursing seemed to be going really well and Bekah was so happy he was doing so good, but a day or so after being home from the hospital she started having a lot of problems with pain. We saw a lactation consultant pretty quickly and it turned out Wesley had a partial tongue tie. Two days later we were in the doctors office getting the extra cartilage clipped. Since then we have had no problems nursing and are hoping we stopped other problems that could have occurred.
During the day, Wesley is still a challenge even though we got his tongue tie resolved. For two weeks straight it seemed I was nursing him nonstop. If he was awake he was crying until I nursed him. Also seemed like other people could hold him and keep him calm better than me. After about one week of crying constantly we gave him the pacifier. He did not take to it right away but has gotten better. In this month we have learned that he cries when he is tired and hungry. He also seems to want to nurse when he is tired and hungry. At first Bekah gave in to his cries and nursed him every hour sometimes, but we are slowly getting away from that. She now nurses him for  hunger only and to lays him down with the pacifier when he is tired. He will sometimes fight his sleep a little and we will have to go in a few times to give him the pacifier again. After a few times though he will normally go to sleep. He is a great night sleeper and most nights is waking up just once. We usually put him to bed between 8 and 9 and he will wake up around 2 and then for the morning between 5:30 and 6.
Even though this has been a challenging month it has flown by and we still feel very blessed to have him in our life. Having three is definitely an adjustment and we probably did not get as many pictures as we should have. With that being said here are some of out favorites we did manage to get during his first month.

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